Hui Muslims: “We’re Facing an Unprecedented Crisis of Faith”
Hailed for their loyalty to the CCP for years, the “goodMuslims” are losing their preferential status andbecome victims of persecutions just because of ethnicity and faith.

TheCommunist government has long treated China’stwo largest Muslim groups differently. The Uyghurs, who primarily live in Xinjiang, were presented as “bad”Muslims, separatist and inclined to terrorism, while the Hui, scattered allover the country, but predominantly in its northwestern part, were hailed asthe “good” Muslims, integrated into the official system. Because of that, Hui Muslims have been long spared the kind of persecution that Uyghurs in Xinjiang are subjected to. But the situation has changed dramatically, asthe CCP is tightening its control over Islam as the whole. And with thenewly adopted legislation, promising to“sinicize” all Muslims outside Xinjiang in five years, Hui Muslims also started feeling the heavy handof CCP’s persecution.

More than 40 Muslims from one village arrested

Mostof the residents in a village under the jurisdiction of Jiaozuo city in the central province of Henan are Hui Muslims. These hard-workingpeople enjoyed a life of peace and prosperity; they used to go to a localmosque for prayers every day. However, their pleasant but straightforward lifewas suddenly upended in July 2018, as the authorities started arresting men inthe village.

Thearrests, more than 40 by now, have created an atmosphere of amplified tensionand insecurity in the village.

Accordingto one of the residents, the majority of the arrested Huis acquired criminalrecords for minor misdemeanors, like getting into fights, more than a decadeago, and their cases have been closed for years. Locals believe that byre-arresting Huis now for various unreasonable pretexts, like “picking quarrelsand provoking trouble,” the authorities are “settling old scores” for lettingthem off the hook earlier as the “good” Muslims.

LastOctober, the police detained a Hui man for “gathering crowds to engage in abrawl.” According to locals, the man has always been sincere and well-behaved,so the news about his arrest was unfathomable for the village residents. His detention more than ten years ago for taking partin a fight was a mistake since he was not involved in it, the villagers said.So, the new arrest, after all this time, is simply wrong.

AnotherHui resident has a criminal record from getting into a fight 17 years ago. Thecase has since been closed, and the plaintiff is no longer pursuing the matter– he even wrote a “letter of understanding and forgiveness.”

“Thereis nothing we can do. Because of these arrests, we’ve all been scared out ofour wits,” a Hui resident said guardedly.

Thearrests in the village are still ongoing. We live in constant fear every day.We dont dare to speak freely. The tactics that the government uses tooppress the Hui people are so despicable! commented anotherresident.

Muslims accused of “disturbing others” during Ramadan

Themost important aspect of Islamic culture for devout Muslims is the holy monthof Ramadan. However, just like in Xinjiang, the Ramadan activitiesfor Hui Muslims in other provinces have now also been restricted or prohibited.

AMuslim in the northern province of Shanxi revealed to BitterWinter that he and some Muslim colleagues atwork agreed to go together to their local mosque on the first night of Ramadanthis year. Having learned about their plans, officials from the ReligiousAffairs Bureau prohibited them, saying that worshiping in mosques disturbs other people.

Hopingto avoid further persecutions, the men made plans to rent a room in a localhotel for worshiping. On the evening of May 5, the start of Ramadan this year,as he was about to go to the hotel, the man received a phone call from anofficial from the local Religious Affairs Bureau. “Going to a hotel to hold agathering constitutes ‘privately setting up a meeting place.’ The state doesn’tallow that,” the official warned. “If you’re adamant about taking the lead inthis matter, we’ll detain you for one or two months.”

Despitethe threats, the Muslim man replied that regardless of the government’sattempts to control them, not worshipping on Ramadan is not an option to devoutMuslims. He told his colleagues to proceed with the plan but with more caution.That evening, he and more than 30 other Muslims quietly entered the hotel insmall groups of two or three people, with their prayer caps removed.

Overthe next few days afterward, threats from officials continued. The director ofthe local Religious Affairs Bureau repeated that according to nationalpolicies, whoever takes the lead in religious activities, must be arrested.“People in Xinjiang are locked up in transformationthrough education camps due to their faith, andnow, no one even knows where they are. If you’re disobedient, you will sufferthe same consequences as they did,” the official didn’t hold back.

“We’refacing an unprecedented crisis of faith,” the Muslim man commented on theincreasing suppression by the government.


同一村庄 40 多名穆斯林被捕
去年 10 月,警方以聚众斗殴罪名拘留了一名回族男子。据当地人说,这名男子一直很诚实、举止得体,因此他被捕的消息让村民们感到难以置信。村民们说,十多年前他因参与斗殴而被拘留是一个错误,因为他并没有参与其中。所以,经过这么长时间再次被捕,简直是错误。
另一名回民因 17 年前打架事件留下犯罪记录。该案现已结案,原告也不再追究此事,甚至还写了一封谅解函我们什么也做不了。因为这些逮捕,我们都吓坏了。一名回民谨慎地说道。
尽管受到威胁,这名穆斯林男子仍回答说,无论政府如何试图控制他们,斋月期间不做礼拜对虔诚的穆斯林来说都不是一个选择。他告诉同事们继续执行计划,但要更加谨慎。当晚,他和另外 30 多名穆斯林以两三人为一组,悄悄进入酒店,摘下了祈祷帽。随后几天,官员们的威胁不断。当地宗教局局长重申,按照国家政策,谁带头搞宗教活动,就必须抓。新疆的人因为信仰被关进教育转化营,现在连他们在哪里都不知道。如果你不听话,你也会和他们一样受罚。这位官员毫不掩饰。