Overview ofviolations of international law


Evidence collected by Amnesty Internationalprovides a factual basis for the conclusion that the government of China hascommitted crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, including the crimes againsthumanity of imprisonment, torture, and persecution. 687 Thisevidence also demonstrates that the government has committed other seriousviolations of human rights, including the rights to liberty and security ofperson; to privacy; to freedom of movement; to opinion and expression; tothought, conscience, religion and belief; to participate in cultural life; andto equality and non-discrimination. These crimes have been perpetrated againstmembers of the region’s predominantly Muslim ethnic minority groups,including ethnic Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Hui, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks.


国际特赦组织收集的证据为以下结论提供了事实依据:中华人民共和国政府在新疆犯下了反人类罪行,687 包括监禁、酷刑和迫害的反人类罪行。这些证据还表明,政府犯下了其他严重侵犯人权的行为,包括:人身自由和安全权、隐私权、行动自由权、意见和表达自由权、思想、良心、宗教和信仰自由权、参与文化生活的权利,以及平等和不歧视的权利。这些罪行是针对该地区主要为穆斯林的少数民族群体成员实施的,包括维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、柯尔克孜族和乌兹别克族。


[The first time] I was taken I was on‘night duty’ with an old Hui man. It was morning. We thought it was time tostart making the beds. Then, on the loudspeaker, someone said  it wasn’ttime to start making the beds. Then [two guards] came into the room and took[the two of us who were on duty] to the [punishment] room. The room had eight[tiger] chairs. We were there for maybe five hours. We did not have water.There was no food. And no toilet. They opened the window. It was very cold. Westayed strapped in the chair. The chair is metal, and we were cuffed with armsstraight out. Our legs were cuffed… The second time, there was a guy [in mycell] who spoke in Kazakh. And the guards asked him if he spoke in Kazakh. Andhe said ‘no’. And then they took [everyone in the cell] to  the tigerchair.493





 Detainees were not made explicitly aware of thegovernment’s criteria for release; however, they generally understood thattheir behaviour was constantly being evaluated. Many were informed that theirrelease was predicated on achieving certain targets, such as learning asufficient number of Chinese characters.556 Many also understood that breakingany camp rules would likely prolong their detention. Despite their awareness ofbeing evaluated, very few former detainees credited their release to anything theydid or did not do in the camps. Most attributed their release to factorslargely or entirely outside their control, such as their Kazakh ethnicity andthe fact that the government decided to release ethnic Kazakhs from thecamps.557 Some believe they were released because of appeals for their releasemade by family members living abroad.558 Others have no idea why they werereleased.559 “They released 12 people the day I was released… They said, ‘Yourtime is up and you can go home now.’ They didn’t say why. They just releasedKazakhs, notHui or Uyghurs,” Asylbek told Amnesty International.560





During the day[at the second camp] 

we would sit on a plastic chair. A teachertaught language and how to make clothes. During the 21 days [we spent in thesecond camp] we went to class two or three times, otherwise we were just in thecell… The teachers from the screen were in [a different] class. They justshowed us how to make clothes on the TV. Some guys were there [in this camp]for two years and never touched a machine… Then a list came out for people totransfer to a factory. Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Uzbeks, not Uyghurs… Then I was sentto a factory for five months, to make government uniforms at f irst. Then westarted making dresses. I worked for eight hours a day. I had one hour ofexercise in the yard… I was allowed to call family and friends, but not peopleabroad… There was no physical inspection, but we were given phones and asked toinstall a police app… We worked five days a week. The salary was 1,620 RMB [253USD] a month… We were really ineffective. We didn’t know how to do it. They hadsome Chinese woman come in for one week to try to teach us.628 Aldiyar toldAmnesty he spent three months working in a factory for low pay after beingreleased from the camp. All workers were members of ethnic minorities butsenior managers were Han Chinese: [After I was released from the camp] theyordered me not to leave my house for 10 days… After a week they called me backand they registered me and made a list of people who had been in the camp. Thenthey gathered all the people on the list, and we went to a garment factory. Wedidn’t have a choice but to go there… The salary was low. It was impossible totake care of my family with the salary. The first month [we were paid] 200 RMB[31 USD]… The factory was on the outskirts of [redacted] county seat. Onlyethnic minorities were working in the factory – Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Hui.The [only] Han were the heads ofthe factory… The factory made clothes, gloves, and bags.629





Arzu, who was one of the few former detainees AmnestyInternational interviewed who was temporarily placed in the strict managementcategory and given a yellow badge, said that approximately a year into his timein the camp, several of his cellmates were taken to court and given sentences.“They took people to court. A few days later [those people] got verdicts. Thestaff in charge [of our cell] came to the cell and read the verdict. We canhear it read,” he said. Arzu provided Amnesty with the full names of two of hiscellmates who were sentenced, and said that one was given 15 years forgathering with others and reading a book about religion and the other was givenfive to seven years for insulting the police and country leaders.654

 It is not clear whether the court referred to was acompetent, independent, and impartial tribunal established by law, asinternational law requires.655 Beibut, who spent nearly a year and a half indifferent camps, told Amnesty International he was in a class of 50, which wasapproximately half Uyghurs and half Kazakhs and Hui. He said all the Uyghurs, fiveHui, and two Kazakhs were given sentences. “They would read verdicts inclass… [One man received] ‘three years for going to a halal restaurant’… [anotherman received] ‘seven years for having camping equipment or boxing [equipment],because then you were involved in terrorism,” he said.656

Arzu 是国际特赦组织采访的少数前被拘留者之一,他曾被临时归类为严格管理类别,并被发放了黄色徽章。他说,在营地待了大约一年后,他的几名狱友被带到法庭接受审判。“他们把人带到法庭。几天后,[那些人]收到了判决。负责[我们牢房]的工作人员来到牢房并宣读了判决。我们可以听到判决的内容,”他说。Arzu 向国际特赦组织提供了两名被判刑狱友的全名,并说其中一人因与他人聚会并阅读关于宗教的书籍而被判15年,另一人因侮辱警察和国家领导人而被判5到7年。


Beibut 在不同的营地待了近一年半,他告诉国际特赦组织,他所在的班级有50人,其中大约一半是维吾尔族,另一半是哈萨克族和回族。他说所有维吾尔族、五名回族和两名哈萨克族人都被判刑。“他们会在课堂上宣读判决……[一个人因为]‘去了一家清真餐厅’被判三年……[另一个人因为]‘拥有露营装备或拳击装备’,因为这被认为是参与恐怖主义,”他说。xj2.jpg



China’s MassInternment, Torture and Persecution of Muslims in Xinjiang